Today has been a special day.

With a lot of love, we started our new action called Green Hope. Green Hope is an we4all initiative that combines the Environment with Solidarity, integrating vulnerable social groups into our environmental actions. We show our fellow human beings that not only do we all have equal rights in life but also that their help in caring for our planet is valuable.

Today, together with IASIS, CONNECTYOURCITY, KSDEO EDRA and the Municipality of Peristeri, we organized a tree planting in which beneficiaries of the Hippocrates 1 and 2 mental health centers participated as well as beneficiaries of the Housing and Work Program “ANAK”.

The contact with the environment but also the joining in a group with a common good purpose, achieved its goal since the smile was painted on their lips.

We thank the Municipality of Peristeri and the agronomist, Mr. George Vergyris.

And obviously, that was just the beginning.