Our Actions

Main Fields of Action

We4all is an Environmental Organization with the mission to help our planet heal itself and to remind people that Earth is our home, before it is too late. We are making it easy for people to plant trees and connect with each other as one big family in pursuit of our common vision.

WE4ALL is active on the 3 following main fields of action:

  • Treeplanting and Reforestation projects around the world
    Green Planet
  • Environmental Education of young children in schools
    Green Future
  • Environmental actions together with vulnerable social groups – inclusion & solidarity
    Green Hope

Learn more about our Actions

Green Planet

Tree Plantings

WE4ALLis partner of the UN on the U.N. DECADE ON ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION 2021-2030 and to this day has planted hundred of thousands of trees in Greece and other parts of the world, such as Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, Brazil and Italy.

Green Future

We focus on young children and increasing their environmental awareness.

In this effort, we are educating hundreds of children every week, helping them learn about the issues our Planet is currently facing and ways in which they can lead a more sustainable day-to-day life.

Green Hope

We believe that every human being haw equal rights in living and participating in social and environmental activities.

Therefore, we have created an initiative, aimed to combine Solidarity with Environmental activity, which engages vulnerable social groups