25,00 €
Today, single-use plastics account for around 40% of the total volume of plastics produced each year. Many of these products, such as plastic bottles, food packaging, etc. have a shelf life of a few minutes to a few hours, but they remain and pollute the environment for hundreds of years because only 30% actually end up being recycled.
Plastics and other non-recyclable synthetic materials (e.g. bottles, food packaging, clothing, etc.) are the main cause of plastic and synthetic materials accumulating in the oceans. There, plastic, after a long time, breaks down into plastic microfibres (microplastics) which in turn end up in the human food chain through aquatic life.
Make a start by saying no to single-use plastic bottles and cups by choosing we4all’s reusable thermos for the water, coffee and other beverages you consume every day.
By purchasing the we4all Reusable Stainless-Steel Thermos, you are helping us to:
Help us to make our planet green again and restore the most important hope we have for fighting climate change.
We4all is a non-profit environmental organization with the Mission to help Earth heal and remind people this planet is our home. We4all is incorporated as a Civil Non-Profit Company in Greece and as. 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization in the U.S.